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Legacy Drivers

Legacy Driver & Software Archive

JR3 Legacy Device Drivers for Windows 98 & XP (32-Bit)

These drivers are based on WinDriver. Please only use these if you cannot get our new drivers to work for your application or if your existing system cannot be updated to use our non-WinDriver based drivers.

JR3 DSP Based PCI Device Manual

This manual covers most of the legacy device driver and command library commands as well as providing a table of memory locations on the receiver device.

JR3 Data Logger for Legacy Device Drivers (Windows XP, 32-Bit)

This is a very basic data logger program that outputs data to a text file.

**When running this data logging program, the first prompt will ask for a Device ID, this is the Device ID of the PCI receiver card. The Device ID of your receiver card can typically be found on a sticker that is attached to the PCI card.

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